Asia, Emerging Markets & Commodities. Smart data. Actionable insights.
1.3 billion. And counting.
When a money manager merges our data with other data streams. Or when the data is being used to help shape the deliberations of an asset management team. Then we say it is contributing to the investment process. But then there are other situations where our data is fully driving the investment process. In these instances, our data is systematically generating every single buy and sell order being sent to market. As of today, our smart data is driving 1.3 billion USD of financial assets across both equity and commodity markets.
Connect with one of our analysts to explore how our solutions can enrich your investment process. Just complete the contact form and we will respond within 24 hours.
It just takes one question to start a conversation.
Different strokes. For different folks.
Money managers have very different needs. And our dashboards and datasets can help them in very different ways. Here are just a handful of examples:
Fund managers...
will often unearth great stock ideas. But it’s a struggle to figure out when, exactly, to buy and when, exactly, to sell. The GTL and GTM dashboards offer a clear solution to the timing riddle.
Long/short managers...
typically have a great many long ideas but far fewer short ideas. Our SRT Strategy can correct this imbalance with a continuous stream of ideas on the short side.
Systematic managers...
are looking for single stock data that generates alpha on a stand-alone basis. Our XTC datasets fit the bill.
Wealth managers...
place great weight on asset allocation. Our GTAsia and GEM dashboards provide clear guidance on Asia and Emerging Markets, at both the regional level and a country-by-country level.
Commodity traders...
want point-to-point, long/short coverage of as many commodity futures as possible; with real-time performance tracking. Welcome to the GTC dashboard.
1. Macroeconomics
2. Fundamentals
3. Technicals
4. Market Risk

Risk is a 4 letter word. It might not be part of your daily vocabulary.
As a professional money manager, you’re covering the macro, the fundamentals and the technicals. But we can deliver a 4th dimension of analysis: a deep and rich evaluation of the risk of the market. This risk data can be easily incorporated into your existing investment process.
Integrate smart data. Into your own investment process.
Create unique investment strategies. With stock rankings and country scores.
Protect capital systematically. In down markets.
Keep score at all times. With weekly performance tracking.
Easy to use. CSA delivers clean dashboards and structured datasets.
5 key benefits for users

Early warning and detection. For effective command and control.
CSA’s country risk scores have been remarkably prescient, FLASHING RED right before some of the biggest market collapses over the past 10 years. The slides below highlight a number of real-time, real world, examples across a variety of equity and even fixed income markets.
Your mission.
Our solutions.
Crystal Shore Alpha
Rue de l'Industrie 10
1950 Sion, Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 333 0310
© 2035 by Crystal Shore Alpha

Mission. Impossible.
Are your investors a demanding bunch? Look at it this way: as a professional money manager, you just need to execute two key tasks to keep them happy: (1) protect capital in down markets; and (2) outperform in all markets. And how hard is that?
It's a tough job. But they hired you to do it.
And we’re here to help. Our risk data delivers downside protection across a broad sweep of Asian and emerging markets. Our quintile rankings can elevate your stock selection. Our long-short commodity scores give you profit generation opportunities on both sides of the market.
Different strokes. For different folks.
Money managers have very different needs. And our dashboards and datasets can help them in very different ways. Here are just a handful of examples:
can unearth great stock ideas. But figuring out exactly when to buy and when to sell is a struggle. The GTL and GTM datasets offer a clear solution to the timing riddle.

CSA’s Asia and Emerging Markets country risk scores have provided 65.7% capital protection in all the big market drawdowns since 1 July 2015.