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Crystal Shore Dashboards crystal ball logo with slogan: Less risk. More return.

High-risk market


Probability of capital loss is high.


0 (Zero)

Zero exposure to these markets.

We are sellers of these markets.



Low-risk market

Probability of capital loss is low.


100% exposure to these markets.


We are buyers of these markets.


CSD's GTAsia Dashboard with country risk scores for the 10 Asia emerging countries, week of 11 February 2024.

Navigate high volatility markets with ease. Just follow the flashing lights. 

Imagine having a bright, shiny path for navigating the world’s most volatile equity markets. With each market flashing red (high risk) or green (low risk). This is exactly what we deliver to our subscribers every week. Across 41 Asian and emerging markets. You can use all of these market risk scores on a stand-alone basis. Or you can integrate them into your own investment framework.



Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1.  

Have you taken Warren Buffett’s injunction to heart? We have. Since 1 July 2015, our market risk scores have provided 65.6% capital protection in the worst market crashes across dozens of the world’s riskiest equity markets. For you and your team, this level of capital protection virtually guarantees long-term outperformance.

The viewfrom Omaha

Page name: Markets. CSD's risk analysis solutions for stock markets in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.

Asia and Emerging Markets. Less risk. More return.

Discover more

Fundamental? Quantitative? Macro-driven? It all works for us.

Whichever approach you favor, our binary risk data can be easily integrated into your proprietary investment process. If you’re running a quantitative, machine-driven process, it literally becomes a weighing exercise. And if it’s a fundamental or macro-driven investment strategy, then the binary risk scores become one more quantified variable among the many others that enter your decision equation: GDP, CPI, M1, M2… We even optimized the duration of our risk scores for seamless integration into weekly, monthly and even quarterly portfolio rebalancing schedules.

Average duration (in weeks) of the country risk scores of Crystal Shore Dashboards.

Look at risk differently.

That's what we finally did.

Volatility. VaR. Standard deviation. Have you tried using these standard measures of risk for allocating capital? We did. And we learned the hard way that it just doesn’t work. Long story short: high volatility markets can go up. And low volatility markets can go down. By contrast, our multi-factor algorithms seek to capture the directionality of markets. And this makes our risk scores highly effective for your capital allocation process.

CSD's GEM Dashboard with risk scores for the 5 emerging market regions, week of 11 February 2024.

Bottom-up. Top-down.

Macro views are traditionally generated in a top-down fashion. But we flipped this process upside down: all of our macro views are generated from the bottom-up. For example: to generate a market view on China, we systematically analyze and evaluate hundreds of individual Chinese stocks. We then combine all of this single stock data to generate an overarching view on the China equity market. So micro drives macro.


Crystal Shore Dashboards' GEM dashboard displaying the regional risk scores from the week of 11 February 2024 for Emerging Asia, Latin America, Arabia, Africa, and Emerging Europe.


Crystal Shore Dashboards' GTAsia dashboard showcasing the country risk scores from the week of 11 February 2024 for the 10 Asia emerging countries, starting with China and India.

The 90% rule

"At the end of the day, the most important thing is how good you are at risk control. Ninety percent of any great money manager is going to be the risk control."

Paul Tudor Jones

High. Performance.

For money managers seeking the highest level of outperformance, we run the ‘Fast Risk Strategy.’ Launched in 2024, the Fast Risk Strategy is governed by the changes in an equity market’s risk level. By contrast, the Low Risk Strategy—launched in 2015—is anchored in the absolute risk levels of equity markets. By capitalizing on a market’s first signs of improvement—or deterioration—the Fast Risk Strategy is quicker to move both in and out of markets. This accelerated speed of response is a key driver of the higher expected returns.


Protect capital in falling markets. With CSD's market risk scores.


Run a macro overlay. On your stock selection.


Aim for next-level performance. With CSD's Fast Risk Strategy.


Go long-short equity indices. With CSD's upgrades and downgrades.


Explore the road less well-traveled. With CSD's coverage of 8 Frontier markets.

5 key benefits for users

Large-cap & mid-cap stocks


Stock market ticker board showing large-cap and mid-cap stock prices in Emerging Markets.

67 commodity futures


Steelworker near a blast furnace, illustrating the industrial and base metals commodity sector.

Explore further solutions.

Asia focus?
Or global vision?


Asian markets


Global markets


Binary risk scores.

High risk/low risk. 0/100 market exposure.


The scores cover the 5 next market days and beyond.

Upgrades & downgrades.

Highlighted in bright and bold.

Weekly generation.

Of all risk scores every weekend.

Average holding periods.

Calculated on both low and high risk scores.

Performance tracking.

Total return, annualized, year-to-date and year by year.

Real returns.

No backtested returns. Only real numbers generated in real time.

Log record.

Of all risk scores since inception: 1 July 2015.

Electronic date stamp.

By a leading Swiss auditor every weekend.


Choice of PDF or Excel.

Delivery method.

Email attachment.

Licensing structure.


Big 10 Stocks.

Quintile rankings of 10 biggest Asia ex-Japan stocks.

Top 10 Stocks.

An actively managed GTAsia portfolio.

Asia Bonds.

Hard and local currency.








South Korea




Big 10 Stocks.

Quintile rankings of 10 biggest EM stocks.

Top 10 Stocks.

An actively managed GEM portfolio.

Emerging Market Bonds.

Hard and local currency.

  • 1. China

    2. Taiwan

    3. South Korea

    4. India

    5. Thailand

    6. Malaysia

    7. Indonesia

    8. Philippines

    9. Vietnam

    10. Pakistan

    1. Brazil

    2. Mexico

    3. Chile

    4. Peru

    5. Colombia

    6. Argentina

    1. Saudi Arabia

    2. UAE

    3. Qatar

    4. Kuwait

    5. Bahrain

    6. Oman

    1. South Africa

    2. Morocco

    3. Nigeria

    4. Kenya

    5. Egypt

    1. Poland

    2. Turkey

    3. Greece

    4. Czechia

    5. Romania

    6. Russia

Common features

  • High risk/low risk. 0/100 market exposure.

  • The rankings cover the 5 next market days and beyond.

  • Highlighted in bright and bold.

  • Of all risk scores every weekend.

  • Calculated on all quintiles and strategies.

  • Total return, annualized, year-to-date and year by year.

  • No backtested returns. Only real numbers generated in real time.

  • Of all risk scores since inception: 1 July 2015.

  • By a leading Swiss auditor every weekend.

  • Choice of PDF or Excel.

  • Email attachment.

  • Pay-as-you-go.


Rue de l'Industrie 10

1950 Sion, Switzerland

Tel. +41 79 333 0310

© 2035 by Crystal Shore Dashboards.

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