From Arabica coffee to Zinc. We've got you covered.
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Commodities aren't companies. Buy and hold won't work here.
As an investor, you may hold on to a stock for however long it takes to finally see the true underlying value emerge. And really: how bad can it possibly get? But with commodities, no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse. There is no natural threshold governing how low a specific price can go. Or how high it can climb. So unlike a stock, you cannot just put a commodity in the drawer and leave it there. Commodity positions must be reviewed and re-evaluated. Continuously. We do this work for you on a weekly basis.
We buy this market: 100% exposure.
We stay out of this market: Zero exposure.
We go inverse this market: -100% exposure.
The long and short of it: You've got to go both ways.
Equity markets are asymmetric: they typically rise slowly and crash sharply. Commodity markets are different: they tend to rise and fall in similar fashion. This symmetry means that a long/short strategy is a natural fit in commodity markets. It’s one reason why all commodity traders and trading houses work on a long/short basis. But long/short also doubles the opportunity set. And it creates a superior balance of risks and rewards compared to long-only. We can offer you long/short views on 4 commodity sectors and 67 commodity futures.
Conviction trades. Directional bets.
72 Commodities
Long / Short
Coverage & features
COMEX Silver
NYMEX Platinum
NYMEX Palladium
COMEX Copper
COMEX Aluminum
SHFE Nickel
US Domestic Hot-rolled Coil Steel
North European Hot-Rolled Coil Steel
SHFE Hot-Rolled Coil
NYMEX Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI)
Solactive Brent Crude Oil
ICE Europe Low Sulphur Gasoil
NYMEX NY Harbor ULSD Energy
NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas
ICE UK NBP Natural Gas
Pegas TTF
EU Emission Allowances
ZCE Thermal Coal
DCE Coking Coal
DCE Coke
NYMEX Chicago Ethanol (Platts)
NYMEX Methanol T2 FOB Rotterdam
DCE Styrene
DCE Ethylene Glycol
Chicago Soft Red Winter Wheat
Kansas Hard Red Winter Wheat
Minneapolis Hard Red Spring Wheat
Euronext Paris Milling Wheat
JSE White Maize
JSE Yellow Maize
CBoT Corn
CBoT Rough Rice
CME Class III Milk
CME Cash Settled Cheese
EEX Butter
CME Live Cattle
CME Feeder Cattle
CME Lean Hogs
Rubber & pulp
SGX-DT RSS3 Rubber
SIEE TSR 20 Rubber
SHFE Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulp
CBoT Soybeans
CBoT Soybean Oil
CBoT Soybean Meal
Euronext Paris Rapeseed
ZCE Rapeseed Oil
ZCE Rapeseed Meal
ICE-US Canola
Bursa Malaysia USD Crude Palm Oil
BM&F Arabica CoffeeLIFFE Robusta Coffee
ICE-US Sugar No. 11
ICE White Sugar No. 5
ICE-US Cocoa
ICE Europe London Cocoa
ICE-US Cotton No. 2
ZCE Cotton No. 1
ZCE Soda Ash
On every market.
The scores cover the 5 next market days and beyond.
Upgrades & downgrades.
Highlighted in bright and bold.
Bi-weekly generation.
Every Wednesday and Saturday.
Average holding periods.
Calculated on both commodity sectors and futures.
Performance tracking.
Total return, annualized, year-to-date and year by year.
Real returns.
No backtested returns. Only real numbers generated in real time.
Log record.
Of all scores on all markets since inception.
Electronic date stamp.
By a leading Swiss auditor every weekend.
Data format.
Choice of PDF or Excel.
Delivery methods.
Email attachment or AWS S3 bucket.
Licensing structure.
High risk/low risk. 0/100 market exposure.
The rankings cover the 5 next market days and beyond.
Highlighted in bright and bold.
Of all risk scores every weekend.
Calculated on all quintiles and strategies.
Total return, annualized, year-to-date and year by year.
No backtested returns. Only real numbers generated in real time.
Of all risk scores since inception: 1 July 2015.
By a leading Swiss auditor every weekend.
Choice of PDF or Excel.
Email attachment.
There's safety in numbers. So don't put all your commodity capital in 2 or 3 eggs.
Many investors limit their commodity exposure to just 2 or 3 positions, like Gold and WTI. But this is like running an equity portfolio on just 2 or 3 stocks. It makes no sense. You should aim for a diversified portfolio of commodity positions from across all 4 commodity sectors: Precious, Base, Energy and Foodstuffs. We can help you build and manage this kind of broadly diversified portfolio: we cover 72 Commodity markets, from Arabica coffee to Zinc.
Go long/short on 72 commodity markets. With the GTC dashboard.
Actively manage your precious metals. With CSA's weekly positioning on gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
Get a 360 view on global energy markets. With CSA's coverage of 17 distinct energy markets and products.
Create spread trades. Across 72 commodity futures.
4 key benefits for users
Explore further solutions.
Trust. But verify.
As an experienced commodities manager, you clearly trust your methods and your instincts. And you should. But we provide a completely independent view on every single position you take. And our views, probably unlike yours, are systematically generated on a multi-factor assessment of the probability of capital loss. So we can buttress your convictions. Or flash a timely warning signal. It’s almost like having a co-pilot. And two brains are better than one.
Crystal Shore Alpha
Rue de l'Industrie 10
1950 Sion, Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 333 0310
© 2035 by Crystal Shore Alpha
The trend is your friend. Until it isn't.
How many times have you heard this: “Trend-following is your opportunity for outsized profits in bull and bear markets!” If only markets were so simple. The reality is there is no silver bullet when it comes to commodity markets. A strategy that works beautifully at one point in time can burn you to a crisp just 3 months later. We take great pride in the fact that our own commodity engines can easily follow the trend on some occasions while going completely against trend on other occasions.