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Paul McGill

UK Business Development

Business Development, Envoy, United Kingdom. Blockchain-enabled Trade Finance through NVOY tokens and the Enigma fund for asset class exposure.

CFO, SG Capital, South-East London commercial and housing property development.

Consultant, Project Rosetta, Royal Bank of Scotland, small company claims and redress in the Swaps market.

Property Bridging Finance, Grosvenor Bridging, pier-to-pier secured property lending with a focus on high-quality short-dated loans, Mayfair, London.

Head of UK Strategic Solutions Group, BNP Paribas, covering UK banks, mortgage companies and insurance companies, Interest-Rate and Credit Derivatives, RMBS and CDO structuring, London.

UK Structured Solutions, Merrill Lynch, CDS, CLOs, CDOs and (vanilla) Interest Rate Derivatives for the UK institutional market, London.

UK Derivatives, NatWest Markets, institutional and corporate derivatives marketing, London.

Chartered Accountant, PwC, London.

Accounting and Financial Analysis, Newcastle University.

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